Solid Silver Love

This picture represents a lot to me.  If you can’t quite tell what it is, it is a solid silver bracelet, Phoebe’s to be exact.  Notice the cut?  Phoebe recieved this as a gift when she was just a bubs, and she’s had it on ever since.  To the point where it couldn’t come off and had to be cut off.  The argument is now that I want to put it away in her jewellery box so that she (and I) can look back and she just how teeny she was.  Hubby on the other hand, wants to get it extended so she can keep wearing it.

This bracelet has seen a lot really.  I remember when we first put it on her she hated it and constantly played with it trying to get it off.  The day she cut it, she felt odd without it.  It represents that she once was a baby (that time seems so far away now), the ups and downs we went through to get to this point (sleep issues – yes she was once a bad sleeper – either that or being a first time Mum I didn’t recognise her tired signs, not to mention the other bits and bobs that come along with having a baby).  My baby is all grown up, or growing up, that’s my point though, this bracelet can stay the same while she gets older and experiences all the life has to offer.  Sentimental much?

So what would you do, extend it or put it away?

(Notice that it is currently in the jewellery box and I hope that hubby forgets about it altogether!).

Bel x

Enjoy your school holidays!



I’m not exactly sure when it occured or started occuring, but recently I have noticed that my three year old daughter seems to have a better social life than I do!  When she first came into our world and I became comfortable being a Mum, life was a buzz with catch ups with friends, meeting new people through mother’s group, Mum’s and Bubs movie session etc – to the point where, I had to find the time and schedule in when to do my housework and washing!

This past month has opened my eyes to the lack of a social life I have, and how great hers is!  Party after party, playdates with friends (I suppose I could claim this one too if it’s also a friend of mine), Wednesday nights she takes off to go and watch her Aunties play netball.  Last night, a weeknight none the less, she even ditched us and our ritual ‘Tuesday Night Family Dinner’ for a trip into the city to watch netball!!

I’ve always been big on being a Mum but also letting Phoebe see that I am my own person too… I work, I have my own friends, I have hobbies and passions but I love my family too, and enjoy spending time with them – you can have it all.  This was great when I had my hobby and photography business with my sister, it meant that we got out a bit, did something we loved.  It also meant at home, I had to find time to look through photos, edit and find inspiration.  But lately, the catch up with friends has died down (unless it’s with kids in tow), I can’t even tell you the last time I really picked up my camera or even read a book (which is something I did alot of in the past).

Pinned Image

 find it here

So, I’m going to start trying to put the fun back into my world!  I’m going to focus on doing more things for me.  Phoebe can have her fun and hopefully I can too!  I’m going to:

1. Read at least one page of a book most nights.

2. Try to go out to dinner with some friends, that doesn’t involve an occasion like a birthday.

3. Get my bloody camera out!  Somewhere in the last few months I lost my mojo, I need to find it again.

4. Get back into walking, or moving.  Phoebe can join in on this one!

5. Continue Blogging, I’m really loving it (and try to get myself into the Blogging community more).

6. Look forward to our girls weekend in August (oh yeah, sleep ins, day spas, chats and laughs!).

Do your kids have a better social life than you?  Are you happy with that or do you want to try and have some fun like me too?

Bel x

Drawing the line

I love the gift of giving, especially when it comes to kids.  The way their face lights up seeing a package that they know is just for them, contents unknown, excitement rising!!  I even love giving to adults to tell you the truth, especially to Mum’s who never really treat themselves, it’s nice when you can do something nice for them.

Pinned Image

Find this picture here

This month has been a killer though, the present outgoings have really bashed about my bank balance.  With something like five Christenings/naming days, a few baby showers thrown into the mix, a birth or two, in excess of eight birthdays not to mention just getting over our Wedding and Easter coming up, I’m starting to wonder whether if I should, how I should, if I should, somehow try and draw the line.  I love to give beautiful, genuine gifts, but how do I tighten the budget without looking like a complete tight arse?

I know people tend to go for the ‘making’ option, but I can be crafty when in the mood, I can bake a little too, I’m still in the beginning stages of learning how to sew but I do take a mean photo!  How on earth do you manage with the tough months, where the birthdays seem endless and your bank balance is nearing zero??

Bel xx

*Disclaimer – to all my friends out there, I love buying you gifts (especially if you fall into any of the above mentioned catergories for this months gifts!).  I’m just wondering whether I am alone in this and how other people manage (I know we all have a tough month or two?)


Bad Mum or just not my Mum?

Phoebe started 3 year old kinder this year, my she was soooo ready for it!  She has such a great time and enjoys going each week.  But I tell you what, the amount of art work that my girl does each week is astounding!! Yesterday, I shit you not, 8 various pieces of art work came home in her bag, mainly pasting which seems to be her main interest at the moment.

Dont get me wrong at all, I love seeing her work and how she is progressing but now I have this guilt.  You see my mum was a classic house wife when we were growing up and she has this amazing ability (and obviously storage) to keep sooooo many things from our childhood.  She has albums upon albums of our school work, art pieces, awards and photos, not to mention the weird stuff like plaster casts from our first broken boneS! And yep, she still has it all!

So now I am left wondering how to keep records our of girls life, her progress, her achievements and of course her beautiful art work.  She does things for other family members but what I am I to do with the rest….. I am realistic knowing I can’t keep it all, right??  Can I be as good as my Mum was?

How to you keep your kids records and art work?

Lazy, but Married!

I have been extremely lazy, I’ve neglected my Blog big time.  Floating around in cyberspace lately though, I don’t feel so bad, I know I’m not the only one.  Some of my fave bloggers are in a bit of a rut so to speak.  But now is time to get back to it.

The whole blogging thing slumped a little for me as we were planning and preparing for our wedding a few weeks back.  After 12 years together and a beautiful daughter, we decided to make things official.  The ceremony was quick but beautiful and then it was on to the party.

There were minimal drama’s on the lead up, no seriously, hardly any at all (all right, there was the freak out about the dress not fitting and being too tight, but everyone has that yeah? yeah?).  There was no Bridezilla here, just a girl looking forward to finally marrying her man, having the same name as her daughter and having a great night with family and friends.  We had the perfect day and night, despite the rain that had set in from early morning.  We had bogged cars, back spins on the dance floor and some great laughs!

Anyone who knows me, knows that I am super organised and a planner from way back!  I was on top of everything for the wedding, but now I find myself wondering what to do next?

So now, I’ll start planning our girls weekend in August and give myself back some me time. 

I hope to see you around here more often, and I hope to be here more often too.

Bel x