Party time, a Christmas Theme

A Christmas Eve party post, yes it’s late, but that’s what happens when you head off camping on Boxing Day and don’t return for nearly three weeks.  Christmas Eve is Hubby’s birthday, we never plan a party but it always seems to happen.  It used to be a VERY late one, with lots of drinking and no kids present at all, but how times change!  Most of the crowd leave by 9pm, to set out food for Santa and his Reindeer and tuck the littlies into bed.

This year I decided to make the party about the kids too, and keep them occupied a little.  I originally saw the amazing idea of a Reindeer Food Buffet over at Enjoying the Small Things which is one of my favorite places to visit (if you haven’t already paid her a visit, then you must, like now!).  Kelle has held her North Pole party the last two years and simply put is nothing short of amazing and magical!  Mine was unfortunately nothing like hers, but I had a crack and the kids loved every minute (even the big ones).

Before making anything, there needed to be some snacks, of the naughty kind of course!  A few things were of inspired by Pinterest, including choc-dipped candy canes, the teddy bear sleighs, as well as glasses of chocolate milk to wash everything down.




And then there was the Reindeer Food Buffet itself.  Complete with jars to take home and scatter their personally made reindeer food on the front lawn.  Make sure you head over to here, to get Kelle’s labels, each explaining the ingredients and what they are for.  I set up the buffet using disposable tin-trays that housed all of the ingredients and then printed my own labels based on Kelle’s.  I had a couple of adults helping the younger kids while I took some photos.  Kids also took home a lolly bag of reindeer noses (I’m sure lots of you saw them on Pinterest over the festive season!).  Next year I’m sure they’ll all be fine doing it themselves (oh my god, did I just say next year?).





Although there was a bit of preparation involved, everything ran smoothly.  The kids loved the buffet and many of the adults were quite impressed and enjoyed watching the kids too.  Hubby loved the fact that his birthday wasn’t just about him, but about the upcoming arrival of Santa.

Bel x

I heart Christmas because

There are so many reasons why I love Christmas.  But one of the biggest is our annual Christmas party with our group of friends.  It started a few years back (you know, when we all started having kids and Christmas became less about us) by booking out the local Bowls Club.  It’s seriously the perfect venue, in the middle of nowhere, all to ourselves, where the kids can roam free and we can feel at ease knowing they can’t destroy anything!!

The afternoon is always filled with bare foot bowls, and this year, we hired a jumping castle to keep the kids occupied too.  Food and desert is plentiful, drinks are had, lots laughter and of course a visit from the jolly man himself!  We spent the whole afternoon together, care-free and enjoying each others company.  But best of all, is the feeling of family amongst us and the shrieks of delight that come from the kids.

A few images of our wonderful day!









_DSC0165Apart from Christmas Day itself, do you have a favorite moment leading up to the big day?

Bel x

Yearly Christmas Photos

The last two years, I have set up two beautiful photographs of Phoebe to give to people for our favourite holiday season.  This year, I am searching for inspiration again, and maybe you are too?  Here were the last two years images, both I which I love!

This was 2010, when I was still learning to use my camera properly on manual.  Although there are lots of things wrong and I know I could do better now, I still love this photograph.  First of all, a tripod would have been to hold the camera steady.

And this was last years!  I love, love, love it!  Her expression is just so perfect!  Secret tip:  Inside the box was a large torch, the room was completely dark and I had my iPhone torch app projected onto the front of the box.  After a bit of playing around with my settings,  we ended up with this perfect image.

So, what do you think?  Do you take a Christmas photo for your Christmas card each year?  Any suggestions on what I could do this year (I have a couple of cute ones)?

Bel x

Christmas Eve Party

I still haven’t decided after 12 years now whether or not it is a good or bad thing that Michael’s birthday is Christmas Eve (it has meant in the past, especially our younger days, a late night, lots of drinks and often a bad hangover on Christmas Day – think of all the beautiful food and everyone too sick to eat it!).  It has meant that since we moved into together, we have had an unofficial birthday party on Christmas Eve.  It is never organized, but everyone seems to rock up that night but I must say, it is always a good night with family and friends.  

Since most of our group now has kids, we seem to enjoy this night more but it also means it ends a little earlier than it used to (people used to leave at 3am, now it’s more like 10pm).  This year, thanks to my Pinterest addiction, Friday will be spent preparing some festive snacks for the kids and also some things to keep them amused.  I’m looking forward to my first day off in a while, spending it with Phoebe in the kitchen.

from Planning with Kids the Christmas take on the the milky-way cars


from Style Me Pretty

and these are just adorable from Craft Rookie

I think the kids will have so much fun with these, they love balloons at the best of times, thanks to Play at Home Mom, for this simple yet very fun idea…..

Sorry Happy Birthday on Christmas Eve to the best man in my life.  I hope you have a great night (at least the kids will be amused with all the pretty and yummy snacks and the balloons!).

What is your Christmas Eve tradition?

Bel x

Silly Season!

The silly season is well upon our family, has been for a while, no free weekends and weeknights filling up fast too, not only with personal commitments but work ones too!  I’ve been neglecting the Blog a tad, but rest assured, I always have the thought in my mind to return to blog.  

Many have requested a Mr Scabby update, he has been up to a lot of mischief!  Most I have managed to take photos of but some I have not.  I have often caught Phoebe talking to him, and telling him how much she loves him and what a cheeky boy he is!  Some nights I forget to move him and find myself waking up with a start and doing it at 3am!


Mr Scabby stayed in the cage for two whole days (mainly because I forgot but also because the day before, Phoebe was told by Mr Scabby that dummies are only for sleep time.  She didn’t listen).


Mr Scabby got into my flour this morning, tipped it on the bench and proceeded to make some ‘snow’ angels!


Mr Scabby, I know it is the end of the year, but do you really think chocolate is appropriate for breakfast?


Hanging out in Phoebe’s dolls house with the family.


He toilet papered my house!  And with the good stuff too!  We had to dodge it to get out of the front door in the morning.  Awfully funny though!


And this is where he hid afterwards with the evidence!


Phoebe thought this was hilarious!  Mr Scabby had raided her indie draw and decided it was a good idea to decorate the Christmas tree and the lounge room with them.  I made sure not to turn the lights on this night, I was a tad scared her undies might catch on fire!


Apart from these moments, he has also spent time with Phoebe’s doll and her dummy, played in her kitchen and cooked us up some eggs.

If you have your own Mr Scabby (obviously with a much classier name) what has he been up to at your house?

Bel x

Summer, are you here?

Melbourne, although you seem to get confused, I think you are finally starting to realize that summer has in fact already already and you need to fall into line!  The last couple of weeks, we have finally started to get our 30 degree days, at long last!  For us, it means the start of the BBQ season, eating dinner outside, playing in the backyard, catching up with friends and paddling in the shell pool.

This week was even better, Michael is working over the other side of the city, near St KIlda, so after a busy day at work, I picked Phoebe up and we headed down there for dinner at the beach.  It was so relaxing to sit outside and watch the kids playing.

I hope you are here Summer for the long haul!  We have had a taste of what is to come, now lets stick around for a while and enjoy it!

What are your best bits about Summer?

Bel x

What he has been up to!

I find it is a little easier to blog about Mr Scabby every few days, rather than each and every single day!  He continues to be a busy little man and makes us laugh each morning when we find him.  Phoebe still hasn’t touched him and she warns anyone who walks in the front door to keep their hands off too.  She also has continued to be very well behaved, well for a three year old anyway.  So here is what he has been up to the last few days…………..

Hanging out with Barbie in her sports car.

Eyes on the road Mr Scabby!!

Can you see him?  Absailing down the curtains in the study/playroom.

A new home?

And this morning he was so hard to find.  Luckily he knows Phoebe has a milk every morning and knew I would eventually head to the fridge!  Scared the life out of me…..which Phoebe thought was hilarious.

Still lots of other fun going on around our parts, what have you and your family been doing in the lead up to Christmas?

Bel x

Mr Scabby, morning one!

Mr Scabby is amazing, it’s almost like he knows as a Mum what I am thinking!  This morning when Phoebe woke, she crawled into bed with me for our normal morning cuddles, and in a sleepy voice told me we better find Mr Scabby (the names still makes me chuckle and cringe at the same time)! 

She started in the bathroom, checked the toilet and the laundry before making her way into the loungreoom where she spotted him out the corner of her eye on the dining room table.


It seems that Mr Scabby indeed knows about our Thursday night ritual of running straight to dancing, then home for dinner before heading to swimming, and that getting Phoebe to actually eat on this night is in fact like pulling teeth!  So this was what Mr Scabby left for Phoebe this morning, she was shocked that he knew about dinner time!  She also found it amusing at how cheeky our little Elf in fact is!

Just look at his cheeky little face!  Phoebe even said how he was smiling at her!  She has been so well behaved today, more so than usual and when she had a small tanty, I just looked in his direction and she immediately snapped out of it!

We love you Mr Scabby, I think maybe for different reasons, but we still love you!  I wonder what he will be up to tomorrow?

Bel x

And his name is……

Our Elf on the Shelf arrived today, he was all wrapped up and in our fire place, where else would Santa leave him?!  Phoebe was so excited (and we all know I was too), I have been preparing her for his arrival, so that there was a little less to explain when he arrived to live with us until Christmas Eve.  She unwrapped him quickly and then proceeded to read the beautiful, hard cover book that he travels with. 

She understands the main points now:

  • He is here to live with us, to see if we are being good or naughty.
  • He leaves each night to go back to the North Pole to give Santa updates.
  • He can’t talk but we can talk to him.
  • She can’t touch him or else he looses his magic and might not have enough to come back from the North Pole.

And so, we had to give him a name and adopt him online,

Please meet, the newest member of the family, drum roll please …………………. Mr Scabby!!

Phoebe chose the name, it is indeed an unfortunate one.  I tried some soft convincing, maybe this name would be better.  But no, she wanted Mr Scabby, so that is his name.  Pop by often to see what he gets up to, it’s sure to be fun!

Bel x


Elf on the what??

Did you realize it is only just over seven weeks until Christmas? I can’t, the years seem to fly by quicker as I get older! So I’ve started to hit the shops, get the gifts organized! I seriously can’t wait for the big day to arrive so I can see P’s face, as well as all our pretend nieces/nephews!

Christmas Eve is hubby to be’s birthday, so everyone always ends up at our house for a celebration. Each year, I love to do things for the kids. This year, Pinterest has given my lots of inspiration. Pop over and see my Christmas board!

But most of all I am excited about the Elf on the Shelf which I ordered yesterday for P! I couldn’t order it direct from the store but managed to search the internet for another option. My mind is filled with things to do with him and where to put him when he arrives! Fingers crossed he arrives before the 1st of December!

Basically he is an Elf which comes with his story in book form to share with your kids. You can also jump online, name and adopt him! He has been sent by Santa to check out if you are being naughty or nice. Each night he flies back to the North Pole to report to Santa and the next morning, returns to a new watch post in your house (I’m thinking the fridge and also assailing from light fittings, just to name a few). Best of all, he can’t be touched because his magic will wear off. I’m going to have so much fun with him!!
